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NEBULA101: an open dataset for the study of language aptitude in behaviour, brain structure and function

by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Neuroanatomy, episodic memory and inhibitory control of persian-kurdish simultaneous bilinguals

by: Samira Golshani, Olga Kepinska, Hamid Gholami,...


Congratulations to Maria Santacà, Olga Kepinska, Jelena Katic and Jérémy Lemaire!


Metabolic rate and saliva cortisol concentrations in socially housed adolescent guinea pigs.


by: Matthias Nemeth, Susanna Fritscher, Klara Füreder,...


A behavioural exploration of language aptitude and experience, cognition and more using Graph Analysis


by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Adreani MN, D’Amelio PB, Gahr M, ter Maat A. Life-Stage Dependent Plasticity in the Auditory System of a Songbird Is Signal and Emitter-Specific. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020 Dec 4;14:588672. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.588672

Ferretti A, Maggini I, Cardinale M, Fusani L. Heat loss in sleeping garden warblers (Sylvia borin) during migration. Journal of Thermal Biology. 2020 Dec;94:102772. doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2020.102772

Schausberger P, Seiter M, Raspotnig G. Innate and learned responses of foraging predatory mites to polar and non-polar fractions of thrips’ chemical cues. Biological Control. 2020 Dec;151:104371. doi: 10.1016/j.biocontrol.2020.104371

Battisti E, Urach K, Hodžić A, Fusani L, Hufnagl P, Felsberger G et al. Zoonotic Pathogens in Ticks from Migratory Birds, Italy. Emerging infectious diseases. 2020 Dec;26(12):2986-2988. doi: 10.3201/EID2612.181686

Kortekaas K, Kotrschal K. Social context influences resting physiology in dogs. Animals. 2020 Nov 26;10(12):1-15. 2214. doi: 10.3390/ani10122214

Heigl F, Kieslinger B, Paul KT, Uhlik J, Frigerio D, Dörler D. Co-Creating and Implementing Quality Criteria for Citizen Science. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 2020 Nov 25;5(1):23. 23. doi: 10.5334/cstp.294

Jean-Joseph H, Kortekaas K, Range F, Kotrschal K. Context-Specific Arousal During Resting in Wolves and Dogs: Effects of Domestication? Frontiers in Psychology. 2020 Nov 24;11:568199. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.568199

Lesch R, Orozco A, Shilling M, Zimmerberg B, Fitch WT. Selection on ultrasonic call rate in neonatal rats affects low frequency, but not ultrasonic, vocalizations in adults. Ethology. 2020 Nov;126(11):1007-1018. doi: 10.1111/eth.13075

Frigerio D, Gegendorfer G. How Having a Family Improves Digestion in Social Geese. Frontiers for Young Minds. 2020 Oct 30;8:540008. doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.540008

Schausberger P, Sato Y. Kin-Mediated Male Choice and Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Spider Mites. Biology. 2020 Oct 26;9(11):1-12. 360. doi: 10.3390/biology9110360

Zaccaroni M, Massolo A, Beani L, Della Seta D, Farabollini F, Giannelli G et al. Developmental exposure to low levels of ethinylestradiol affects social play in juvenile male rats. Toxicological research. 2020 Oct;36(4):301-310. doi: 10.1007/s43188-019-00035-z

Davidkova M, Vesely P, Syrova M, Nacarova J, Bugnyar T. Ravens respond to unfamiliar corvid alarm calls. Journal of Ornithology. 2020 Oct;161(4):967-975. doi: 10.1007/s10336-020-01781-w

Horn L, Bugnyar T, Griesser M, Hengl M, Izawa EI, Oortwijn T et al. Sex-specific effects of cooperative breeding and colonial nesting on prosociality in corvids. eLife. 2020 Oct;9:235-244. 58139. doi: 10.7554/eLife.58139

Common LK, Dudaniec RY, Colombelli-Négrel D, Kleindorfer S. Taxonomic Shifts in Philornis Larval Behaviour and Rapid Changes in Philornis downsi Dodge & Aitken (Diptera: Muscidae): An Invasive Avian Parasite on the Galápagos Islands. In Sarwar M, editor, Life Cycle and Development of Diptera. IntechOpen. 2020 Epub 2019 Sept 2. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.88854

Puehringer-Sturmayr V, Hemetsberger F, Frigerio D. Tracking Birds: How a Little Backpack Could Affect the Life of a Wild Bird. Frontiers for Young Minds. 2020 Sept 3;8(116). doi: 10.3389/frym.2020.00116

Martins MJD, Fischmeister FPS, Gingras B, Bianco R, Puig-Waldmueller E, Villringer A et al. Recursive music elucidates neural mechanisms supporting the generation and detection of melodic hierarchies. Brain Structure and Function. 2020 Sept 1;225(7):1997-2015. doi: 10.1007/s00429-020-02105-7

Messina S, Edwards DP, Marasco V, Canoine V, Cosset CCP, Tomassi S et al. Glucocorticoids link forest type to local abundance in tropical birds. Functional Ecology. 2020 Sept;34(9):1814-1825. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13586

Wagner B, Bowling DL, Hoeschele M. Is consonance attractive to budgerigars? No evidence from a place preference study. Animal Cognition. 2020 Sept;23(5):973-987. doi: 10.1007/s10071-020-01404-0

Mentesana L, Moiron M, Guedes E, Cavalli E, Tassino B, Adreani MN. Defending as a unit: sex- and context-specific territorial defence in a duetting bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2020 Aug 24;74(9):111. doi: 10.1007/s00265-020-02891-4

Bowlingi DL, Dunn JC, Smaers JB, Garcia M, Sato A, Hantke G et al. Rapid evolution of the primate larynx? PLoS Biology. 2020 Aug 8;18(8):e3000764. doi: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PBIO.3000764