News & Events


NEBULA101: an open dataset for the study of language aptitude in behaviour, brain structure and function

by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Neuroanatomy, episodic memory and inhibitory control of persian-kurdish simultaneous bilinguals

by: Samira Golshani, Olga Kepinska, Hamid Gholami,...


Congratulations to Maria Santacà, Olga Kepinska, Jelena Katic and Jérémy Lemaire!


Metabolic rate and saliva cortisol concentrations in socially housed adolescent guinea pigs.


by: Matthias Nemeth, Susanna Fritscher, Klara Füreder,...


A behavioural exploration of language aptitude and experience, cognition and more using Graph Analysis


by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Sonnweber R, Ravignani A, Fitch WT. Non-adjacent visual dependency learning in chimpanzees. Animal Cognition. 2015 May;18(3):733-745. Epub 2015 Jan 21. doi: 10.1007/s10071-015-0840-x

O'Hara M, Gajdon G, Huber L. The advantage of objects over images in discrimination and reversal learning by kea, Nestor notabilis. Animal Behaviour. 2015 Mar 1;101:51-60. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.12.022

Gingras B, Honing H, Peretz I, Trainor L, Fisher S. Defining the biological bases of individual differences in musicality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 2015 Feb 2;370(1664):20140092. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0092

Lovari S, Pokheral CP, Jnawali SR, Fusani L, Ferretti F. Coexistence of the tiger and the common leopard in a prey-rich area: the role of prey partitioning. Journal of Zoology. 2015 Feb 1;295(2):122-131. doi: 10.1111/jzo.12192

M. Guillette L, Hahn A, Höschele M, Przyslupski AM, Sturdy C. Individual differences in learning speed, performance accuracy and exploratory behaviour in black-capped chickadees. Animal Cognition. 2015 Jan;18(1):165–178. doi: 10.1007/s10071-014-0787-3

Szipl G, Böckle M, Wascher C, Spreafico M, Bugnyar T. With whom to dine? Ravens' responses to food-associated calls depend on individual characteristics of the caller. Animal Behaviour. 2015 Jan;99(1):33-42. Epub 2014 Nov 21. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2014.10.015

Reber S, Nishimura T, Janisch J, Robertson M, Fitch WT. A Chinese alligator in heliox: formant frequencies in a crocodilian. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2015;218(15):2442-2447. doi: 10.1242/jeb.119552

Massen JJM, Church A, Gallup AC. Auditory Contagious Yawning in Humans: An Investigation into Affiliation and Status Effects. Frontiers in Psychology. 2015;6:1735. 1735. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01735

Kotrschal K. Biologie oder Moral? In Barta H, Lang M, Rollinger R, editors, Prozeßrecht und Eid: Recht und Rechtsfindung in antiken Kulturen. 2015. (Philippika: altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen , Vol. 86).

Soldatini C, Albores-Barajas YV, Tagliavia M, Massa B, Fusani L, Canoine V. Effects of human disturbance on cave-nesting seabirds: the case of the storm petrel. Conservation Physiology. 2015;3(1). doi: 10.1093/conphys/cov041

Dunn JC, Halenar LB, Davies TG, Cristobal-Azkarate J, Reby D, Sykes D et al. Evolutionary Trade-Off between Vocal Tract and Testes Dimensions in Howler Monkeys. Current Biology. 2015.

Auersperg A. Exploration technique and technical innovations in corvids and parrots. In Animal Innovation and Creativity. Elsevier Academic Press. 2015. p. 45-69

Ringler E, Pasukonis A, Fitch WT, Huber L, Hödl W, Ringler M. Flexible compensation of uniparental care: female poison frogs take over when males disappear. Behavioral Ecology. 2015;26(4):1219–1225. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv069

Baotic A, Sbampato T. Forschung im Zoo - Tierstimmen. In Besuch im Zoo. 1 ed. Haupt Verlag. 2015. p. 114-115

Baotic A. Humming giraffes 2015.