News & Events


NEBULA101: an open dataset for the study of language aptitude in behaviour, brain structure and function

by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Neuroanatomy, episodic memory and inhibitory control of persian-kurdish simultaneous bilinguals

by: Samira Golshani, Olga Kepinska, Hamid Gholami,...


Congratulations to Maria Santacà, Olga Kepinska, Jelena Katic and Jérémy Lemaire!


Metabolic rate and saliva cortisol concentrations in socially housed adolescent guinea pigs.


by: Matthias Nemeth, Susanna Fritscher, Klara Füreder,...


A behavioural exploration of language aptitude and experience, cognition and more using Graph Analysis


by: Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni,...


Showing entries 181 - 210 out of 1362
Ibáñez de Aldecoa P, Auersperg AMI, Griffin AS, Tebbich S. Ratcheting up tool innovation in Goffin's cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana): The effect of contextually diverse prior experience. Ethology. 2023 Mar;129(3):133-145. Epub 2022 Dec 19. doi: 10.1111/eth.13351

Jafari M, Aghdam HR, Zamani AA, Goldasteh S, Soleyman-Nejadian E, Schausberger P. Thermal oviposition performance of the ladybird Stethorus gilvifrons preying on two-spotted spider mites. Insects. 2023 Feb 16;14(2):199. doi: 10.3390/insects14020199

Perinot E, Fritz J, Fusani L, Voelkl B, Nobile MS. Characterization of bird formations using fuzzy modelling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2023 Feb 15;20(199):20220798. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2022.0798

Duengen D, Fitch WT, Ravignani A. Hoover the talking seal. Current Biology. 2023 Jan 23;33(2):R50-R52. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.12.023

Baumann V, Athanasiou AT, Faridani OR, Schwerdtfeger AR, Wallner B, Steinborn R. Identification of extremely GC-rich micro RNAs for RT-qPCR data normalization in human plasma. Frontiers in Genetics. 2023 Jan 4;13:1058668. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.1058668

Jafari M, Goldasteh S, Aghdam HR, Zamani AA, Soleyman-Nejadian E, Schausberger P. Modeling Thermal Developmental Trajectories and Thermal Requirements of the Ladybird Stethorus gilvifrons. Insects. 2023 Jan 1;14(1):11. doi: 10.3390/insects14010011

Lor CS, Haugg A, Zhang M, Schneider L, Herdener M, Quednow BB et al. Thalamic volume and functional connectivity are associated with nicotine dependence severity and craving. Addiction Biology. 2023 Jan;28(1):e13261. Epub 2022 Nov 30. doi: 10.1111/adb.13261

Canoine V. Common Ground. In Eden I, Lernout S, editors, Common Ground: Ein Projekt für den öffentlichen Raum. wien: Schlebrügge.Editor. 2023

Emser SV, Spielvogel CP, Millesi E, Steinborn R. Mitochondrial polymorphism m.3017C>T of SHLP6 relates to heterothermy. Frontiers in Physiology. 2023;14:1207620. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1207620

Bulla M, Küpper C, Lank DB, Albrechtova J, Loveland JL, Martin K et al. Sperm traits of the three genetic morphs in the ruff sandpiper. 2023. doi: 10.1101/2023.07.27.550846

Gimranov D, Bocherens H, Kavcik-Graumann N, Nagel D, Rabeder G. The cave bears from Imanay Cave (Southern Urals, Russia). Historical Biology. 2023;35(4):580-588. Epub 2022 Mar 28. doi: 10.1080/08912963.2022.2056837

Guran CNA, Sladky R, Karl S, Boch M, Laistler E, Windischberger C et al. Validation of a new coil array tailored for dog functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. 2023. doi: 10.1101/2022.06.14.496064

García Loor J, Espinosa R, Alarcón I, Luzuriaga N, Guevara E. NOTAS SOBRE LA DIETA DEL ZAMBULLIDOR PLATEADO NORTEÑO Podiceps occipitalis juninensis. Revista Ecuatoriana de Ornitología. 2022 Dec 14;8(2):71-73. doi: 10.18272/reo.v8i2.2477

Showing entries 181 - 210 out of 1362