Vocal communication in the Bavarian pine vole (Microtus liechtensteini bavaricus).
The Bavarian pine mole is endemic to the northern alps and is in imminent risk of extinction. Today, we only locate populations in the Brandenberger and Tyrol Alps. Their general behavior, including their communication, is largely unknown. We have the unique opportunity to observe and record Bavarian pine voles under controlled conditions at the Innsbruck Zoo. The objective is to record their vocal behavior, define their vocal repertoire (including ultrasonic vocalizations), and identify the contexts in which vocalizations are produced.
This master's thesis will be conducted in collaboration with Dr. Andre Stadler (director of the Innsbruck Zoo), Dr. Dustin Penn (VetMed Vienna) and the Acoustic Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences (https://www.oeaw.ac.at/isf/).
Contact: angela.stoeger-horwath@univie.ac.at
Master Project