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Showing entries 811 - 840 out of 1303
Fusani L, Gahr M. Differential Expression of Melatonin Receptor Subtypes Mel1a, Mel1b and Mel1c in relation to Melatonin Binding in the Male Songbird Brain. Brain, Behavior and Evolution. 2015.
Herbst C, Oh J, Vydrová J, Svec J. DigitalVHI—a freeware open-source software application to capture the Voice Handicap Index and other questionnaire data in various languages. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology. 2015;40(2).
Soldatini C, Albores-Barajas YV, Tagliavia M, Massa B, Fusani L, Canoine V. Effects of human disturbance on cave-nesting seabirds: the case of the storm petrel. Conservation Physiology. 2015;3(1). doi: 10.1093/conphys/cov041
Zeppelbauer M, Stöger-Horwath A. Establishing the fundamentals for an elephant early warning and monitoring system. BMC research notes. 2015;8:409. doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-1370-y
Dunn JC, Halenar LB, Davies TG, Cristobal-Azkarate J, Reby D, Sykes D et al. Evolutionary Trade-Off between Vocal Tract and Testes Dimensions in Howler Monkeys. Current Biology. 2015.
Auersperg A. Exploration technique and technical innovations in corvids and parrots. In Animal Innovation and Creativity. Elsevier Academic Press. 2015. p. 45-69
Merchant H, Grahn J, Trainor L, Rohrmeier M, Fitch WT. Finding the beat: a neural perspective across humans and non-human primates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 2015;370(1664):20140093.
Ringler E, Pasukonis A, Fitch WT, Huber L, Hödl W, Ringler M. Flexible compensation of uniparental care: female poison frogs take over when males disappear. Behavioral Ecology. 2015;26(4):1219–1225. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arv069
Baotic A, Sbampato T. Forschung im Zoo - Tierstimmen. In Besuch im Zoo. 1 ed. Haupt Verlag. 2015. p. 114-115
Fitch WT. Four principles of bio-musicology. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 2015;370(1664). doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0091
Fitch WT. How pets got their spots (and floppy ears). New Scientist: the global science and technology weekly. 2015;225(3002):24–25.
Gunhold-de Oliveira T, Range F, Huber L, Bugnyar T. Long-term fidelity of foraging techniques in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). American Journal of Primatology. 2015;77(3):264–270. Epub 2014 Sept 17. doi: 10.1002/ajp.22342
Slipogor V, Massen JJM, Millesi E, Bugnyar T. Long-term vs. short-term consistency of social personality traits and salivary cortisol levels in common marmosets. Folia Primatologica. 2015;86.
Ravignani A, Sonnweber RS. Measuring teaching through hormones and time series analysis: Towards a comparative framework. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary. 2015;38:e58. doi: 10.1017/s0140525x14000806
Mitter G, Sumasgutner P, Gamauf A. Niche-partitioning in three Apodemus species in an urban environment. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien: Serie B: Botanik und Zoologie. 2015;117:37-46.
Frigerio D, Palme R, Stöwe M, Kotrschal K, ElMakarem S, Millard M et al. Non-invasive assessment of excreted metabolites of the dark hormone melatonin in domestic geese. In Contributions to the 10th International Conference on Behaviour, Physiology and Genetics of Wildlife : 28th September-11st October 2015, Berlin, Germany. 2015
Kotrschal K. Persönlichkeit. In Ferrari A, Petrus K, editors, Lexikon der Mensch/Tier-Beziehungen. transkript. 2015. p. 282-283
Höschele M, Merchant H, Kikuchi Y, Hattori Y, ten Cate C. Searching for the origins of musicality across species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences. 2015;370(1664):20140094. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0094
Kavcik-Graumann N, Nagel D, Rabeder G, Ridush B, Withalm G. The bears from Ilianka cave near Odessa (Ukraine). 2015. Paper presented at 21th International Cave Bear Symposium in Hellevoetsluis, Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands.
Alscher M, Kavcik-Graumann N, Rabeder G. The cave bears from the Brettstein-Bärenhöhle in Totes Gebirge.. 2015. Paper presented at 21th International Cave Bear Symposium in Hellevoetsluis, Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands.
Westphal Fitch G, Fitch WT. Towards a comparative approach to empirical aesthetics. In Art, Aesthetics, and the Brain. Oxford University Press. 2015
Zeppelzauer M, Hensman S, Stöger-Horwath A. Towards an automated acoustic detection system for free-ranging elephants. Bioacoustics : the international journal of animal sound and its recording. 2015;24(1):13-29. doi: 10.1080/09524622.2014.906321
Kotrschal K. Vorwort. In Spannring R, Schachinger K, Kompatscher-Gufler G, editors, Disziplinierte Tiere? : Perspektiven der Human-Animal Studies für die wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. 2015
Beetz A, Kotrschal K. Was die Wissenschaft weiß – Ein Überblick über internationale Forschungsergebnisse im Bereich Mensch-Tier-Interaktion. In Heimtiere und Gesundheit. Prävention – Assistenz – Therapie. Verden: Mars Petcare Deutschland GmbH. 2015. p. 6-23
Filippi P, Gingras B, Fitch WT. Pitch enhancement facilitates word learning across visual contexts. Frontiers in Psychology. 2014 Dec 22;5:1468. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01468
Dorn S, Wascher C, Möstl E, Kotrschal K. Ambient temperature and air pressure modulate hormones and behaviour in Greylag geese (Anser anser) and Northern bald ibis (Geronticus eremita). Behavioural Processes. 2014 Dec 1;108:27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2014.08.026
Ringler M, Ringler E. Individual genetic tracking: An island experiment in the neotropical frog Allobates femoralis. 2014. Paper presented at IV. Congreso Colombiano de Zoología, Cartagena, Colombia.
Miller R, Schiestl M, Whiten A, Schwab C, Bugnyar T. Tolerance and Social Facilitation in the Foraging Behaviour of Free-Ranging Crows (Corvus corone corone; C. c. cornix). Ethology. 2014 Dec 1;120(12):1248-1255. 10.1111/eth.12298. doi: 10.1111/eth.12298
Showing entries 811 - 840 out of 1303