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Showing entries 1321 - 1350 out of 1350
Hemetsberger J. Die Entwicklung der Grünauer Graugansschar seit 1973. In Kotrschal K, Müller G, Winkler H, editors, Konzepte der Verhaltensforschung. Konrad Lorenz und die Folgen. Fürth: Filander Verlag. 2001
Bugnyar T, Kijne M, Kotrschal K. Food calling in ravens: Are yells referential signals? Animal Behaviour. 2001;61(5):949-958. doi: 10.1006/anbe.2000.1668
Frigerio D, Weiß BM, Kotrschal K. Spatial proximity among adult siblings in greylag geese (Anser anser): evidence for female bonding? Acta Ethologica. 2001;3(121-125).
Huber L, Aust U. The relevance of evolution, species comparison, color, and categorization for the object identity problem. Cahiers de psychologie cognitive : CPC = Current psychology of cognition. 2001;20:221-229.
Aust U, Huber L. The role of item- and category-specific information in the discrimination of people versus nonpeople images by pigeons. Animal Learning & Behavior. 2001;29(2):107-119.
Huber L, Troje NF, Loidolt M, Aust U. Natural categorization through multiple feature learning in pigeons. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Section B: Comparative and Physiological Psychology. 2000;53(4):341-357.
Hemetsberger J. Singvogel-Monitoring am Almsee, Oberösterreich. Erste Ergebnisse des Jahres 1999. Vogelkundliche Nachrichten Oberösterreichs - Naturschutz aktuell. 2000;8(1):19-27.
Fritz J, Bisenberger A, Kotrschal K. Stimulus enhancement in greylag geese: Socially mediated learning of an operant task. Animal Behaviour. 2000;59(6):1119-1125. doi: 10.1006/anbe.2000.1424
Huber S, Millesi E, Arnold W. Effects of reproductive effort on present and future reproduction in female European ground squirrels. Advances in Ethology. 1999;33:62.
Strijkstra AM, Hut RA, Millesi E, Daan S. Energy expenditure of hibernation in the European ground squirrel. In Periodic euthermy during hibernation in the European ground squirrel: causes and consequences. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looyen. 1999. p. 31-56
Hirschenhauser K, Möstl E, Kotrschal K. Within-pair testosterone covariation and reproductive output in Greylag Geese Anser anser. Ibis: the international journal of avian science. 1999;141(4):577-586. doi: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1999.tb07365.x
Millesi E, Dittami J, Gahr M, Hemetsberger J. Post breeding changes in reed warbler androgens, corticosteroids and behaviour. Ethology. 1997;32:64-65.
Kotrschal K, Hemetsberger J. Social constraints in feeding and individual specialization for transportable food in greylag geese (Anser anser). Ökologie der Vögel : Verhalten, Konstitution, Umwelt. 1995;17:157-163.
Hemetsberger J. Der Schwarzstorch (Ciconia nigra) - eine immer häufiger zu beobachtende Vogelart in Oberösterreich. Öko-L : Zeitschrift für Ökologie, Natur- und Umweltschutz. 1992;14:3-7.
Hemetsberger J. "Regenpyramide" - eine Schutzverhaltensweise bei juvenilen Schwarzstörchen (Ciconia nigra). Egretta. 1992;192-193.
Kotrschal K, Hemetsberger J, Dittami J. Vigilance in a flock of semi-tame Greylag Geese Anser anser in response to approaching eagles Haliaeetus albicilla and Aquila chrysaetos. Wildfowl. 1992;43:215-219.
Hemetsberger J. Bestandsentwicklung und derzeitige Verbreitung des Schwarzstorches (Ciconia nigra) in Oberösterreich. Stapfia. 1989;20:119-128.
Kotrschal K, Lindquist DG. The feeding apparatus in four Pacific tube blennies (Teleostei: Chaenopsidae): Lack of ecomorphological divergence in syntopic species. Marine Ecology. 1986;8:241-254.
Zaunreiter M, Kotrschal K, Goldschmid A, Adam H. Ecomorphology of the optic system in 5 species of blennies (Blenniidae, Perciformes, Teleostei). Fortschritte der Zoologie. 1985;731-734.
Krautgartner WD, Kotrschal K. Ependymal structures in Acipenser ruthenus (Osteichthyes). Fortschritte der Zoologie. 1985;623-625.
Goldschmid A, Kotrschal K. Morphological and functional adaptations in different feeding types of blennies (Perciformes, Teleostei). Fortschritte der Zoologie. 1985;241-244.
Kotrschal K, Goldschmid A, Adam H, Whitear M. The first dorsal fin of Gaidropsarus mediterraneus, a specialized chemosensory organ. Fortschritte der Zoologie. 1985;30:727-730.
Goldschmid A, Kotrschal K, Wirtz P. Food and gut length of 14 Adriatic blenniid fish (Blenniidae; Percomorpha; Teleostei). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1984;145-150.
Kotrschal K, Adam H, Whitear M. Morphology and functional features of the first dorsal fin in Gaidropsarus mediterraneus (Gadidae, Teleostei). Zoomorphology: an international journal of comparative and functional morphology. 1984;104:365-372.
Kotrschal K, Adam H. Abweichende Morphologie der Analflossendrüse bei Blennius gattorugine L. (Teleostei, Perciformes, Blenniidae). Aberrant morphology of the anal-fin glands in Blennius gattorugine L. (Teleostei, Perciformes, Blenniidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger. 1983;333-339.
Goldschmid A, Kotrschal K. Comparison of food composition, dentition and otolith morphology of two closely related blenniid species: Blennius incognitus (BATH 1968) and B. zvonimiri (KOLOMBATOVICH 1892). Thalassia Jugoslavica. 1983;19:189-191.
Kotrschal K, Goldschmid A. Food preferences, morphology and arrangement of teeth in 14 species of Adriatic blennies (Pisces, Teleostei). Thalassia Jugoslavica. 1983;19:217-219.
Goldschmid A, Kotrschal K. Feeding ecology of three populations of Blennius incognitus (Pisces: Teleostei: Blenniidae) during the reproductive period and under human influence. Marine Ecology. 1981;2:1-14.
Kotrschal K, Goldschmid A. Population structure of Blennius incognitus BATH 1968 (Pisces: Teleostei: Blenniidae) during the reproductive period with comments on age and growth of small benthic littoral fishes. Marine Ecology. 1981;2:225-240.
Goldschmid A, Kotrschal K, Krautgartner WD, Adam H. Morphology of the teeth and food preferences of thirteen species of Adriatic blennies (Teleostei, Perciformes). Zoologica Scripta: an international journal of systematic zoology. 1980;9:67-78.
Showing entries 1321 - 1350 out of 1350