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"Negative emotional contagion and cognitive bias in common ravens (Corvus corax)"


Jessie E. C. Adriaense, Jordan S. Martin, Martina Schiestl, Claus...


Morphology, Behavior, and Neurophysiology of Sexual Attractiveness

Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology


Behavioural Biology Seminar

Programme summer term 2019


Journal of Ornithology


Inflammatory protein biomarkers

Analytical Biochemistry



Showing entries 1051 - 1080 out of 1291
Schlögl HC, Schmidt J, Böckle M, Weiß BM, Kotrschal K. Grey parrots use inferential reasoning based on acoustic cues alone. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 2012;22(279):4142-4153. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.1292

O'Hara M. Kea Logics- How These Birds Solve Difficult Problems and Outsmart Researchers. In Watanabe S, editor, Logic and Sensibility. Tokio: Keio University Press. 2012. p. 22-38

Westphal Fitch G, (ed.), Fitch WT, (ed.). Language Evolution. Routledge, 2012. 1704 p.

Massen JJM, Vermunt DA, Sterck EHM. Male yawning is more contagious than female yawning among chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). PLoS ONE. 2012;7(7). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040697

Böckle M. Raben haben Langzeitgedächtnis Radio SWR2. 2012.

Böckle M. Raben haben Langzeitgedächtnis ORF Radio Niederösterreich. 2012.

Showing entries 1051 - 1080 out of 1291