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Umweltverschmutzung stresst arktische Tierwelt

Überreste verlassener Kohleminen in der Arktis beeinflussen Stressverhalten und Physiologie junger Gänse


Verhaltensforscher Kurt Kotrschal erhält Goldenes Verdienstzeichen des Landes Oberösterreich


Überwintern mit Vorrat

In ihrer aktuellen Studie zeigen Eva Millesi und Carina Siutz, Department für Verhaltensbiologie, wie sich der Winterschlaf von Feldhamstern durch...


Programme winter term 2018


Saliva cortisol responses to plasma PUFA changes

British Journal of Nutrition


Programme winter term 2018


Showing entries 1141 - 1170 out of 1350
Schwab C, Swoboda R, Kotrschal K, Bugnyar T. Recipients Affect Prosocial and Altruistic Choices in Jackdaws, Corvus monedula. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(4). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0034922

Braun A, Walsdorff T, Fraser O, Bugnyar T. Socialized sub-groups in a temporary stable raven flock? Journal of Ornithology. 2012;153(1):97-104. doi: 10.1007/s10336-011-0810-2

Tebbich S, Stankewitz S, Teschke I. The Relationship Between Foraging, Learning Abilities and Neophobia in Two Species of Darwin’s Finches. Ethology. 2012;118(2):135-146. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2011.02001.x

Stöger A, Heilmann G, Zeppelzauer M, Ganswindt A, Hensman S, Charlton BD. Visualizing sound emission of elephant vocalizations: Evidence for two rumble production types. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(11). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048907

Böckle M, Szipl G, Bugnyar T. Who wants food? Individual characteristics in raven yells. Animal Behaviour. 2012;84(5):1123-1130. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.08.011

Wascher C, Szipl G, Böckle M, Wilkinson AC. You sound familiar: carrion crows can differentiate between the calls of known and unknown heterospecifics. Animal Cognition. 2012;15(5):1015-1019. doi: 10.1007/s10071-012-0508-8

Horn L, Huber L, Miklósi Á, Range F. The presence of the owner but not the owner’s behaviour influences dogs’ performance in a problem-solving task. 2011. Paper presented at 2nd Transfer-of-Knowledge conference of CompCog, Prague, Czech Republic.

Showing entries 1141 - 1170 out of 1350