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Speech prosody enhances the neural processing of syntax


by: Giulio Degano, Peter W. Donhauser, Laura Gwilliams, Paola Merlo & Narly Golestani


Biomechanics of sound production in high-pitched classical singing


by: Matthias Echternach, Fabian Burk, Marie Köberlein, Michael Döllinger,...


A University of Vienna research team led by Sonia Kleindorfer helps Darwin's finches fly home after seven months in captivity. The finches were kept...


Evolutionary novelties underlie sound production in baleen whales

by Coen P. H. Elemans, Weili Jiang, Mikkel H. Jensen, Helena Pichler, Bo R....


A Behavioural Exploration of Language Aptitude and Experience, Cognition and More Using Graph Analysis

by Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni, Narly...


An automated, data-driven approach to children's social dynamics in space and time

by Lisa Horn, Márton Karsai, Gabriela Markova


Showing entries 1261 - 1290 out of 1362
Charlton B, Reby D, McComb K, Locatelli Y. Oestrous red deer hinds prefer high-pitched roars. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 2010;277(1695):2747-2753. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.0467

Braun A, Bugnyar T. Raven Machiavellian intelligence. In 25th International Ornithological Congress 2010, 22–28 August 2010, Campos do Jordão, Brazil: Tagungsband. Unknown publisher. 2010

Müller J. Social learning in a non-social reptile (Geochelone carbonaria). Biology Letters. 2010;6:614-616. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0092

Farago T, Pongrácz P, Range F, Viranyi Z, Miklósi Á. 'The bone is mine': affective and referential aspects of dog growls. Animal Behaviour. 2010;79(4):917-925. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2010.01.005

Fitch WT. The Evolution of Language. Cambridge University Press, 2010. 622 p.

Fraser O, Bugnyar T. The quality of social relationships in ravens. Animal Behaviour. 2010;79(4):927-933. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2010.01.008

Fitch WT. Three meanings of "recursion": key distinctions for biolinguistics. In The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives. Unknown publisher. 2010. p. 73-90

Fitch WT, Titze IR, Hunter EJ, Alipour F, Walsh EJ, Armstrong DL et al. Vocal power and pressure-flow relations in excised tiger larynges. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2010;213:3866-3873. doi: 10.1242/?jeb.044982

Fitch WT, Nicolas E, von Graevenitz A. Bio-Aesthetics, Dynamics and the Aesthetic Trajectory: A Cognitive and Cultural Perspective. In Skov M, Vartanian O, editors, Neuroaesthetics. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. 2009. p. 59-102

Fitch WT. Biology of Music: Another One Bites the Dust. Current Biology. 2009;19(10):403-404. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2009.04.004

Huber L. Degrees of rationality in human and non-human animals. In Watanabe S, Blaisdell A, Huber L, Young A, editors, Rational Animals, Irrational Humans. Unknown publisher. 2009

Huber L. Evolutionary Approach. In Goldstein EB, editor, Encyclopedia of Perception. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd. 2009

Fitch WT. Fossil Cues to the Evolution of Speech. In Botha R, Knight C, editors, The Cradle of Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009. p. 112-134

Fitch WT. Prolegomena to a Science of Biolinguistics. In Röska-Hardy LS, Neumann-Held E, editors, Learning from Animals?: Examining the Nature of Human Uniqueness. 1 ed. Hove: Psychology Press. 2009. p. 15-44

Watanabe S, (ed.), Young A, (ed.), Huber L, (ed.), Blaisdell A, (ed.), Yamazaki Y, (ed.). Rational Animals, Irrational Humans. Unknown publisher, 2009.

Fitch WT. The Biology & Evolution of Language: "Deep Homology" and the Evolution of Innovation. In Gazzaniga MS, editor, The Cognitive Neurosciences. Vol. IV. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2009. p. 873-885

Showing entries 1261 - 1290 out of 1362