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In honour of the 50th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, awarded in 1973 to Konrad Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen and Karl von Frisch...


Domestic cat larynges can produce purring frequencies without neural input


Authors: Christian T. Herbst, Tamara Prigge, Maxime Garcia, Vit Hampala,...


"From masquerading to blending in: ontogenetic shifts in antipredator camouflage in Wallace’s flying frogs"

Susanne Stückler, Xavier I. Dawkins,...


Congratulations to Anna Fabri for being awarded best poster!!


Nebel C, Sumasgutner P, McPherson SC, Tate GJ, Amar A. Contrasting parental color morphs increase regularity of prey deliveries in an African raptor. Behavioral Ecology. 2020 Jul 1;31(5):1142-1149. doi: 10.1093/beheco/araa063

Huber N, Canoine V, Cornils J, Maggini I, Cardinale M, Ruf T et al. Leukocyte coping capacity as a complementary stress metric in migrating birds. Journal of Ornithology. 2020 Jul;161(3):909–913. doi: 10.1007/s10336-020-01774-9

Wilson B, Spierings M, Ravignani A, Mueller JL, Mintz TH, Wijnen F et al. Non-adjacent Dependency Learning in Humans and Other Animals. Topics in Cognitive Science. 2020 Jul;12(3):843-858. doi: 10.1111/tops.12381

Sumasgutner P, Jenkins A, Amar A, Altwegg R. Nest boxes buffer the effects of climate on breeding performance in an African urban raptor. PLoS ONE. 2020 Jun 24;15(6):e0234503. e0234503. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0234503

Rodríguez Lopez C, Amezquita A, Ringler M, Pasukonis A, Hoedl W. Calling amplitude flexibility and acoustic spacing in the territorial frog Allobates femoralis. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2020 Jun 5;74(6):76. doi: 10.1007/s00265-020-02857-6

Sonnleitner R, Ringler M, Loretto MC, Ringler E. Experience shapes accuracy in territorial decision-making in a poison frog. Biology Letters. 2020 May 27;16(5). doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0094

Stocker M, Loretto MC, Sterck EHM, Bugnyar T, Massen JJM. Cooperation with closely bonded individuals reduces cortisol levels in long-tailed macaques. Royal Society Open Science. 2020 May 13;7(5):191056. doi: 10.1098/rsos.191056

Schausberger P, Cekin D. Plastic female choice to optimally balance (k)in- and out-breeding in a predatory mite. Scientific Reports. 2020 May 12;10(1):7861. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-64793-9

Loretto MC, Schuster R, Federspiel IG, Heinrich B, Bugnyar T. Contextual imitation in juvenile common ravens, Corvus corax. Animal Behaviour. 2020 May;163:127-134. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.03.007

Tkaczynski P, Samuni L, Sonnweber R, Deschner T, Vigilant L, Lohrrich T et al. Mum's the Word: the Lasting Impacts of Maternal Loss on Offspring Survival, Growth and Reproductive Success in Wild Chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica. 2020 May;91(3):276-277. doi: 10.1159/000502392

Fischer MT, Ringler M, Ringler E, Pauskonis A. Reproductive behavior drives female space use in a sedentary Neotropical frog. PeerJ. 2020 Apr 17;8(4):e8920. doi: 10.7717/peerj.8920

Walter K, Conroy-Beam D, Buss DM, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P et al. Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication. Psychological Science. 2020 Apr 1;31(4):408-423. doi: 10.1177/0956797620904154

Gallego-Abenza M, Loretto MC, Bugnyar T. Decision time modulates social foraging success in wild common ravens, Corvus corax. Ethology. 2020 Apr;126(4):413-422. Epub 2019 Nov 24. doi: 10.1111/eth.12986

Karl S, Boch M, Viranyi Z, Lamm C, Huber L. Training pet dogs for eye-tracking and awake fMRI. Behavior Research Methods. 2020 Apr;52(2):838–856. Epub 2019 Jul 16. doi: 10.3758/s13428-019-01281-7

Schulz-Mirbach T, Ladich F, Mittone A, Olbinado M, Bravin A, Maiditsch IP et al. Auditory chain reaction: Effects of sound pressure and particle motion on auditory structures in fishes. PLoS ONE. 2020 Mar 27;15(3):e0230578. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230578

Frigerio D, Pühringer-Sturmayr V, Steinbacher C, Rittenschober J, Kleindorfer S. Citizen science, animal behaviour and digital devices: challenges and solutions. 2020. Paper presented at 5th Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2019 (ACSC2019), Obergurgl, Austria. doi: 10.22323/1.366.0002