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3rd place for the best student talk at the XVI International Congress of Acarology


Ein Forschungsteam um Cliodhna Quigley untersucht am Beispiel von Lachtauben das Schönheitsempfinden von Tieren.


Im Rahmen des Biologicum Almtal und Junior Biologicum werden wissenschaftliche Themen auf verständliche Weise vermittelt.


Lisa Horn und ihr interdisziplinäres Forschungsteam gehen in den Kindergarten: Die Expertin für Beziehungen hat bereits zu den sozialen Verbindungen...


New Science paper out!

Evolutionary loss of complexity in human vocal anatomy as an adaptation for speech.


Massen JJM, Szipl G, Spreafico M, Bugnyar T. Ravens intervene in others' bonding attempts. Current Biology. 2014;24(22):2733-2736. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.09.073

Gingras B. Systematic musicology. In Thompson WF, editor, Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An encyclopedia. Vol. 2. Sage Publications Ltd. 2014. p. 1093-1095

Amon S, Schöberl IG, Wedl M, Kotrschal K. The influence of owner personality on judging one's own dog's temperament and arousal.. 2014. Paper presented at 4th Canine Science Forum, Lincoln, United Kingdom.

Cibulski L, Goenner B, Szipl G, Kotrschal K. The Ontogeny of Personality-related traits: A Pilot Study in Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita).. 2014. Paper presented at VII European Conference of Behavioural Biology (ECBB 2014), Prag, Czech Republic.

Schiestl M, Bugnyar T. Training birds for research. 2014. Paper presented at IAATE Conference, Dallas, United States.

Auersperg A, Oswald N, Domanegg M, Gajdon G, Bugnyar T. Unrewarded object combinations in parrots. Animal Behavior and Cognition. 2014;1(4):470-488. doi: 10.12966/abc.11.05.2014

Stoeger A, de Silva S. Vocal communication in African and Asian elephants: a cross-species comparison. In Biocommunication of Animals . Springer. 2014 doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7414-8_3.

Lechner W. Young Squeaker Catfish Can Already Talk and Listen to Their Conspecifics. In Witzany G, editor, Biocommunication of Animals. Springer Netherlands. 2014. p. 321-335 doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-7414-8_18

Garcia M, Charlton BD, Wyman MT, Reby D, Fitch WT. Do Red Deer Stags (Cervus elaphus) Use Roar Fundamental Frequency (F0) to Assess Rivals? PLoS ONE. 2013 Dec 30;8(12):e83946. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083946

Charlton B, Frey R, McKinnon AJ, Fitch WT, Reby D. Koalas use a novel vocal organ to produce unusually low-pitched mating calls. Current Biology. 2013 Dec 2. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2013.10.069.

Filippi P. Specifically Human: Going Beyond Perceptual Syntax. Biosemiotics. 2013 Oct;1-13. 10.1007/s12304-013-9187-3.

Ringler E, Pasukonis A, Mangione R, Erich M, Hödl W, Ringler M. Where shall I bring all my kids? Kaulquappentransport bei Allobates femoralis. 2013. Paper presented at 37. Internationales Symposium für Vivaristik, Litschau, Austria.

Pasukonis A, Ringler M, Brandl HB, Mangione R, Ringler E, Hoedl W. The Homing Frog: High Homing Performance in a Territorial Dendrobatid Frog Allobates femoralis (Dendrobatidae). Ethology. 2013 Sept;119(9):762-768. doi: 10.1111/eth.12116

Ringler E, Pasukonis A, Erich M, Hödl W, Ringler M. Tadpole transport logistics in the Neotropical frog Allobates femoralis. 2013. Paper presented at 17th European Congress of Herpetology, Veszprém, Hungary.

Ringler E, Pasukonis A, Erich M, Hödl W, Ringler M. Tadpole transport logistics in the Neotropical frog Allobates femoralis. 2013. Paper presented at Behaviour 2013, Newcastle, United Kingdom.

Troje NF, Aust U. What do you mean with "direction"? Local and global cues to biological motion in pigeons. Vision Research. 2013 Jul;79:47-55. Epub 2013 Jan 19. doi: 10.1016/j.visres.2013.01.002