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Citizen Science: Theory and Practice




Frontiers for Young Minds


Master Project

Local Mate Competition determines Sons’ Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Spider Mites


Master Project

Local Mate Competition of Males determines Alternative Reproductive Tactics in Spider Mites


Showing entries 1321 - 1350 out of 1350
Hemetsberger J. Die Entwicklung der Grünauer Graugansschar seit 1973. In Kotrschal K, Müller G, Winkler H, editors, Konzepte der Verhaltensforschung. Konrad Lorenz und die Folgen. Fürth: Filander Verlag. 2001

Bugnyar T, Kijne M, Kotrschal K. Food calling in ravens: Are yells referential signals? Animal Behaviour. 2001;61(5):949-958. doi: 10.1006/anbe.2000.1668

Fritz J, Bisenberger A, Kotrschal K. Stimulus enhancement in greylag geese: Socially mediated learning of an operant task. Animal Behaviour. 2000;59(6):1119-1125. doi: 10.1006/anbe.2000.1424

Strijkstra AM, Hut RA, Millesi E, Daan S. Energy expenditure of hibernation in the European ground squirrel. In Periodic euthermy during hibernation in the European ground squirrel: causes and consequences. Wageningen: Ponsen and Looyen. 1999. p. 31-56

Showing entries 1321 - 1350 out of 1350