Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Millesi

Phone:+43-1-4277-544 65
Mobil: +43-664-8175021
Mail: eva.millesi[at]

Research interests

Curriculum vitae


Lebl, K & Millesi, E 2005, Development and behaviour in male Common hamsters management of hamsters and their biotope. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 78-80.

Tauscher, B & Millesi, E 2005, Developmental aspects in juvenile Common hamsters in an urban environment. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 75-77.

Millesi, E, Lebl, K, Pflaum, C & Franceschini, C 2005, Reproductive effort in male Common hamsters. in The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 67-69.

Franceschini, C & Millesi, E 2005, Reproductive timing and successs in Common hamsters. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 63-66.

Schmelzer, E & Millesi, E 2005, Surface activity patterns and behavioural observations in a population of Common hamsters (Cricetus cricetus). in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 70-74.

Millesi, E, Hoffmann, I, Aschauer, A & Franceschini, C 2004, Reproduction and hibernation in females: a comparison of two sympatric ground-dwelling rodents. in Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Biol. Papers Univ. Alaska. vol. 27, pp. 367-375.