Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Millesi
Phone:+43-1-4277-544 65
Mobil: +43-664-8175021
Mail: eva.millesi[at]
Research interests
Curriculum vitae
Showing entries 81 - 90 out of 122
Lebl, K & Millesi, E 2005, Development and behaviour in male Common hamsters management of hamsters and their biotope. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 78-80.
Tauscher, B & Millesi, E 2005, Developmental aspects in juvenile Common hamsters in an urban environment. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 75-77.
Millesi, E, Lebl, K, Pflaum, C & Franceschini, C 2005, Reproductive effort in male Common hamsters. in The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 67-69.
Franceschini, C & Millesi, E 2005, Reproductive timing and successs in Common hamsters. in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 63-66.
Schmelzer, E & Millesi, E 2005, Surface activity patterns and behavioural observations in a population of Common hamsters (Cricetus cricetus). in I Losinger (ed.), The Common hamster, Cricetus cricetus, L 1758, Hamster biology and ecology, policy and management of hamsters and their biotope. ONCFS, pp. 70-74.
Hoffmann, I & Millesi, E 2004, 'Application of a radio-tracking technique to determine maternal effort during lactation in European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus)', Advances in Ethology, vol. 109, no. 38, pp. 107.
Dittami, J, Möhle, U, Reinberg, V, Sablek, E, Millesi, E, Wallner, B & Hodges, JK 2004, 'Nonejaculatory copulations in Barbary macaques: sexual strategies and adrenal secretion patterns', Hormones and Behavior, vol. 46, pp. 110-111.
Aschauer, A, Hoffmann, I, Huber, S & Millesi, E 2004, 'Postconceptional follicular cycles may affect subsequent litter size in European ground squirrels', Hormones and Behavior, vol. 46.
Millesi, E, Hoffmann, I, Aschauer, A & Franceschini, C 2004, Reproduction and hibernation in females: a comparison of two sympatric ground-dwelling rodents. in Life in the Cold: Evolution, Mechanisms, Adaptation, and Application. Biol. Papers Univ. Alaska. vol. 27, pp. 367-375.
Aschauer, A, Millesi, E & Hoffmann, I 2004, 'Reproduction in the female European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus): ovarian activity in the late summer', Advances in Ethology, vol. 38.
Showing entries 81 - 90 out of 122