Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Millesi

Phone:+43-1-4277-544 65
Mobil: +43-664-60277-54465
Mail: eva.millesi[at]

Research interests

Curriculum vitae


Millesi, E 2008, Activity patterns in a population of European hamsters. in G Nechay, R Schreiber & ML Haye (eds), The Common Hamster in Europe, Ecology, management, genetics, conservation, reintroduction: Proceedings Meeting of the International Hamster Workgroup. pp. 19-22.

Goldenberg, F, Goldenberg, M, Henschel, J, Millesi, E & Funk, S 2008, 'Gait choice in desert-living black-backed jackals', Journal of Zoology, vol. 275, pp. 124-129.