Virginie Canoine
PhD, Senior Scientist
Phone: 43-1-4277-76120
Mail: virginie.canoine[at]
Research interests
I am interested in the physiology of behaviour from an ecological perspective and its adaptability to a changing environment.
Although the behaviour and physiology of animals are adapted in relation to their life history stages, there is space for individual flexibility and responses to sudden challenges. This is essential since our world is constantly changing, unveiling new challenges in every context such as predation, social interactions, seasonality but also urbanisation or other anthropic modifications. Consequently, Individuals need to adjust their behaviour and their physiology and re-establish homeostasis.
Curriculum vitae
Showing entries 11 - 19 out of 19
Ziegler, A-K, Watson, H, Hegemann, A, Meitern, R, Canoine, V, Nilsson, J-Å & Isaksson, C 2021, 'Exposure to artificial light at night alters innate immune response in wild great tit nestlings.', The Journal of experimental biology, vol. 224, no. 10, jeb239350.
Messina, S, Edwards, DP, Marasco, V, Canoine, V, Cosset, CCP, Tomassi, S, Benedick, S, Eens, M & Costantini, D 2020, 'Glucocorticoids link forest type to local abundance in tropical birds', Functional Ecology, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1814-1825.
Huber, N, Canoine, V, Cornils, J, Maggini, I, Cardinale, M, Ruf, T & Fusani, L 2020, 'Leukocyte coping capacity as a complementary stress metric in migrating birds', Journal of Ornithology, vol. 161, no. 3, pp. 909–913.
Lupi, S, Canoine, V, Pedrini, P & Fusani, L 2019, 'Temporary caging results in reduced levels of circulating melatonin in migratory robins', The Journal of experimental biology, vol. 222, no. 24, jeb210914.
Eaton, J, Pradhan, DS, Barske, J, Fusani, L, Canoine, V & Schlinger, BA 2018, '3β-HSD expression in the CNS of a manakin and finch', General and Comparative Endocrinology, vol. 256, pp. 43-49.
Huber, N, Fusani, L, Ferretti, A, Mahr, K & Canoine, V 2017, 'Measuring short-term stress in birds: Comparing different endpoints of the endocrine-immune interface', Physiology & Behavior.
Soldatini, C, Albores-Barajas, YV, Tagliavia, M, Massa, B, Fusani, L & Canoine, V 2015, 'Effects of human disturbance on cave-nesting seabirds: the case of the storm petrel', Conservation Physiology, vol. 3, no. 1.
Rubolini, D, Fusani, L, Bonisoli-Alquati, A, Canoine, V, Caprioli, M, Romano, M, Ambrosini, R, Dessi-Fulgheri, F & Saino, N 2014, 'Effects of Egg and Circulating Testosterone on Ring-Necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) Male Traits and Combat Outcome', Ethology, vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 64-76.
Corrieri, L, Seta, DD, Canoine, V & Fusani, L 2007, 'Developmental exposure to xenoestrogen enhances spatial learning in male rats', Hormones and Behavior.
Showing entries 11 - 19 out of 19